pps attachment to big for email



How do I reduce the size of digital photos before I create a power point
Or how do I reduce the pps or ppt file before attaching to an email ?
Is there a zip file download I can use?

Jean-Pierre Forestier [MVP[

I use Pixresizer to reduce the size of the pictures before inserting
You can try PPTMinimizer or NXPowerlite


Why not use the "compress pictures" settings in the save options in
powerpoint itself?


iamdon said:
How do I reduce the size of digital photos before I create a power point
Or how do I reduce the pps or ppt file before attaching to an email ?
Is there a zip file download I can use?

There are many image "resizing" tools that can be used and others have given
you some information. Which ever program you use to make the file sizes
smaller don't forget to save the new smaller images with a new name and not
with the same name as the original file. If you overwrite the original file
you will lose the resolution and larger size forever.

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