PPP Problems

  • Thread starter Thread starter John
  • Start date Start date


I have screwed up baadly on my Win2000 dialup networking. While
trying to remove a network conection,
I seem to have corrupted my dialup internet conection. I get
"error 720 the conection attempt failed because your
computer and a remote computer failed to agree on PPP
Can I reinstall the networking end of win2000 as a repair, or do I have to
delete C:\Winnt
and start from scratch. I know this is extreme but is there any other way to
reinstall 2K and restore my system.
Thanks in advance John
Sorry I should have said I have already tried that but no
joy..............The ISP say i need to reinstall networking features in
I had the same issue and resolved it by uninstalling the TCP/IP,
uninstalling my network card drive, then reinstalling TCP/IP. I tested the
dial-up, which worked, and then finally reinstalled my network card and made
sure it worked as well.

I got my first clues in fixing this from:
http://www.jsiinc.com/subm/tip6100/rh6183.htm Although I didn't have the
exact issue as on that page, it suggested to me that the TCP/IP stack was
the culprit and it was.

Hope this helps,