PP call and loop a short saved pps. from another pps.

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I have a main PP presentaton of 24 slides and another shorter
sub-presentation of 11 slides that I want to run as a loop from within the
main presentation. Slide 3 of the main presentation is simply a Command
Button when clicked runs the following:

Private Sub cmdStartStars_Click()
Presentations.Open FileName:="C:\Church\CE_Study\URC_StA\Stars_00.pps",
With ActivePresentation.SlideShowSettings
.ShowType = ppShowTypeKiosk
.LoopUntilStopped = msoTrue
.ShowWithNarration = msoTrue
.ShowWithAnimation = msoTrue
.RangeType = ppShowAll
.AdvanceMode = ppSlideShowUseSlideTimings
.PointerColor.SchemeColor = ppForeground
End With
End Sub

When the sub-presentation is saved as a .pps extension and the main
presentation is a normal PP .ppt this works perfectly. When the 3rd slide
of the main presentation is displayed, I click on the command button and the
sub-presentation then loops continuously until I press 'Escape' and this
stops the sub-presentation and re-displays slide 3 of the main presentation
and I can then continue with the main presentation.
BUT, if I save the main presentation as a .pps and run it, when I click the
command button I get the following error message

Runtime error '-2147188160(80048240) Presentation (unknown member):
Invalid Request. The Powerpoint Frame Window does not exist

When I cancel this message it then goes on to loop the sub-presentation
correctly BUT when I press 'Escape' it does not return to slide 3 of the main
presentation but terminates the whole thing.

Any help to solve these two problems would be greatly appreciated.
Additional Info
I checked Microsoft Knowledge base and found the following and it claims
that SP2 fixes this problem - see the following explanation:

Runtime error calling the Close method of ActivePresentation in PowerPoint
Calling Presentation.Close in the events in the following list causes the
following error message:
Run-time error '-2147188160 (80048240)': Application (unknown member):
Invalid request. "The operation cannot be performed in this handler"
The error will occur with the following events:

This seems to answer my problem - BUT I have
PowerPoint 2002 (10.6501.6626) with SP3 already installed.
and I still get this error when 'PresentationOpen' is encountered.
Its the latter part of the error massage that is different.
If there an SP4 for PowerPoit that fixes this problem???
NO! I just didn't know how to do it any other way.
If there is another way of doing this with Power Point that would be great!!!
(By the way, if I send this Power Point presentation on a CD saved as a .pps
can this be copied onto another PC that doesn't have Power Point installed
and still run? In other words, is a .pps like a stand-alone version of a
..ppt presentation?)
Thanks for your interest - any help would be gretaly appreciated.
Thank's for the link.
I realise now that I can hyperlink and don't need VBA at all - great! and so
much easier tooo.
Many thanks