PowerToys - Virtual Desktop (Desktop Manager)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Nikola Bozovic
  • Start date Start date

Nikola Bozovic


do no where to contact developers of this tools but there are numerious bugs
in this proggy
altrough its great tool, I love multiple desktops on linux OS's and this is
bless to have on windows, but...

it is noticed that actually this tool doesn't virtualize nothing but simply
shows and hides windowses of certain applications. idea to virtualize
desktops in this way is great, but it also comes with alot of problems.

Some programs like MSN Live with native windows border and titlebar on
resizes conversation windowses wierd, controls in conversation window is out
of place.
(currently handled with close and reopen same window)

Taskbar icons of running applications on first boot aren't present in
TrayBar ?
(had to restart applications with tray icons for icons to reappear)

with 10 or more tasks open it slowly renders switch from one to second
in same time effects are off, but is shows window appears one on another
very slowly.
(no hack to overcome this limitation)

and one big annoyance for NON SHARED DESKTOP, switching from one to second
desktop and back, renders task list order to change. This is sometimes very
annoying expecially if users like to start application in one order and know
where that app in taskbar is.
(no hack to overcome this limitation)
- I think simple ordered list could do a trick here and follow that ordered
list of task when enabling (making visible) tasks for selected desktop.

this is actually releated to the TabSwitching extension of powertoy:
Adobe Photoshop task is displayed from 5-8 times in the list of tasks when
ALT+TAB pressed (holded).
While I was switching among this Adobe PS tasks (icons) I've noticed title
names, it lists toolbars of Adobe PS in task list when it actually have only
1 taks, it seams to me someone is enumerating visible windowses instead of

I saw somewhere in api documentation something about desktops in window NT
long time ago, and something about there are 3 desktops present all the time
(current users desktop, screen savers desktop, and logon desktop).
Can this api be used to create virtualization of desktops, or maybe extended
for this purpose?
This might help to overcome some limitations with current type of handling
