Powersave and No CTRL ALT DELETE need monitor to turn off



Hopefully this is the correct Forum...

Problem = Workstations set to have CTRL-ALT-DELETE disabled, but for network
security reason we need to have a warning Screen to let users know about
inproper use of the network. So between user log-ins the Warning Screen sits
on the screen, for some reason at this screen the monitors will not turn off
(power saving mode) - it will work at the Login Screen and it will work if I
enable the CTRL - ALT - DELETE Screen /// Therefore alot of monitors are
getting burned in and then they will not be covered by warranty. I can not
get the power save feature to work when the computer is sitting at this

--- I have already tried to overwrite the keys in the .Default user, and I
have already got it to work at one minutes (for some reason this time length
works) --- I can Not enable the Press CTRL-ALT-Delete screen /// If anyone
has everyheard of the problem and has a solution for me I would greatly
appreciate some help...

Bob I

Sounds like in this case you may want(if BIOS supports it) to set
hardware power management.


Bob I - I appreciate your help, but with much testing this is what I have

If the system has the CTRL-ALT-DELETE dialog box disabled, but has a
Security Warning Dialog box before the user logs in ... here is a work

In HKEY_USERS (in the registry of course) Change the following Keys to these
[HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Desktop]
"ScreenSaverIsSecure"="1" --- doesn't really matter not used

At the Security Warning Dialog Box the .Default settings are used (.Default
is not associated with the Default User Profile) except the (Monitor)
PowerOff Settings

Once the Screen Saver becomes active it will then use the Last user's
Powersave configuration, which will then power down your monitor.

Note - If you set your .Default Screen Saver to 1 minute and the Last_user
has a Power Management - Monitor Off setting at 15 Minutes ---- The screen
saver will kick on at 1 minute and the Monitor will power off 14 minutes

Hopefully this helps someone else out... I only spent about 8 hours figuring
out the relationships

Grant Richard Morgan
(e-mail address removed)

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