Built new system. Intel MB D875PBZ with Intel P4 3.4 GHz.
During primary boot to setup(no software loaded) system
shuts down after 20 seconds or so. Bios is P16 and P20 is
required for 3.4 processor w/800 MHz FSB.Can't seem to
update bios because system shuts down. Any ideas?? Do you
think this problem is due to bios or other
power,component or board issue?? Power supply is 420w and
I'm sure it's not overlaoded. Many thanks in advance.
During primary boot to setup(no software loaded) system
shuts down after 20 seconds or so. Bios is P16 and P20 is
required for 3.4 processor w/800 MHz FSB.Can't seem to
update bios because system shuts down. Any ideas?? Do you
think this problem is due to bios or other
power,component or board issue?? Power supply is 420w and
I'm sure it's not overlaoded. Many thanks in advance.