Powers down during primary boot

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ken
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Built new system. Intel MB D875PBZ with Intel P4 3.4 GHz.
During primary boot to setup(no software loaded) system
shuts down after 20 seconds or so. Bios is P16 and P20 is
required for 3.4 processor w/800 MHz FSB.Can't seem to
update bios because system shuts down. Any ideas?? Do you
think this problem is due to bios or other
power,component or board issue?? Power supply is 420w and
I'm sure it's not overlaoded. Many thanks in advance.
I don't think the CPU would overheat in less than 20
seconds....Power supply is "Thermaltake".
If the heatsink is not seated properly, or is missing, the CPU can certainly
overheat in a few seconds.


Richard Urban

aka Crusty (-: Old B@stard :-)
It may just be that one of the components that you have installed is not properly located

This could be memory, system fan, video card etc. In most instances like the one you suggest, the video card isn't properly seated and the sytem will crash after basic load has completed

This process should narrow down the search to locate the problem

Try stripping off everything, then install CPU + Fan, one Memory module, and Video Card [if its a plug in device and not located on the board]. Connect PSU to board and the Mouse, Keyboard and Monitor. Test that it is stable.

If it isn't change over the one memory module for another

Power off and add Floppy Drive, test

repeat the above, adding in one device at a time

If you find that your 'shutdown' occurs at the first step, go back to the shop and ask for help

If it shutsdown after the addition of a particular device, then you've located the casue and can go and get that specific device replaced

Also, some motherboards, such as MSI have a LED status indicator either on the board or plug in. Should you have this faciltiy, check the staus display against the trouble shooting guide.
I feel like a complete idiot....CPU seated wrong. I
damaged one of the pins(broke off) during install. Just
killed $450 CPU.. Thank you for all your comments and
observations. Painful lesson!
-----Original Message-----
It may just be that one of the components that you have
installed is not properly located.
This could be memory, system fan, video card etc. In
most instances like the one you suggest, the video card
isn't properly seated and the sytem will crash after
basic load has completed.
This process should narrow down the search to locate the problem.

Try stripping off everything, then install CPU + Fan,
one Memory module, and Video Card [if its a plug in
device and not located on the board]. Connect PSU to
board and the Mouse, Keyboard and Monitor. Test that it
is stable.
If it isn't change over the one memory module for another.

Power off and add Floppy Drive, test.

repeat the above, adding in one device at a time.

If you find that your 'shutdown' occurs at the first
step, go back to the shop and ask for help.
If it shutsdown after the addition of a particular
device, then you've located the casue and can go and get
that specific device replaced.
Also, some motherboards, such as MSI have a LED status
indicator either on the board or plug in. Should you
have this faciltiy, check the staus display against the
trouble shooting guide.