PowerPoint Trivia Game Help

  • Thread starter Thread starter Vicki80sgirl
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On my "Categories" slide, I need for my action buttons to hyperlink to
successive slides upon each press of the button. For instance, click on "TV"
category...it goes to question 1...then return to "Categories" slide...click
on "TV" category again and it should go to question 2. Do I need a macro for
this or is there a simpler way? Thank you so much for your help!!!
To elaborate on John's response, you could theoretically do this with
triggers. If I understand what you want to do correctly, you will need
to create several buttons that lead to the correct slides. You could put
these all on the slide in a row, but this would require remembering
which is the next button to click. For example, you could have 8 TV
buttons, each of which goes to a different TV slide.

This could be unwieldy for the user so this is where triggers come in.
Imagine that the TV1 button does a number of things:

(1) It goes to the first TV question.
(2) It hides itself.
(3) It shows the TV2 button.

You already know how to do #1. #2 and #3 are done by triggers. You would
need to set a custom animation for button TV1. This would be an Exit
animation that is triggered by the button TV1. You would also need an
Entrance animation for TV2. This would also be triggered by TV1.

Finally, you can make all the TV buttons look exactly the same and stack
them on top of each other. If you do all this right, it will seem like
you have one TV button that magically goes to the correct question.

With all that said, if I were to do this, I would probably do it with
macros. For me, that would be easier because I already know how to write
macros, and that would save on the number of buttons and the number of
hidden and non-copyable workings of everything. For example, I could
write working macro that does steps 1, 2, and 3 above and then copy that
as necessary to create as many similar macros as I needed to. However,
if you don't know how to write macros, the trigger method is much easier.
