Ok - I almost have this working now - the idea is to take variable data in a
powerpoint slide presentation and append it to the end of an Excel
spreadsheet to show who has completed a training presentation on-line. I have
it all working except that I can not get the Excel spreadsheet to close
properly. Here is the code I am using...
With CreateObject("Excel.application")
.Application.DisplayAlerts = True
.workbooks.Close FileName:=strPath & "\" & "TrainingRecord.xls"
End With
I have also tried the following and many various combinations of both of
CreateObject("Excel.application").Application.DisplayAlerts = False
CreateObject("Excel.application").activeworkbook.Close (True)
The Macro seems to go into never never land when executing the close command
(either one above).
Any ideas anyone.
powerpoint slide presentation and append it to the end of an Excel
spreadsheet to show who has completed a training presentation on-line. I have
it all working except that I can not get the Excel spreadsheet to close
properly. Here is the code I am using...
With CreateObject("Excel.application")
.Application.DisplayAlerts = True
.workbooks.Close FileName:=strPath & "\" & "TrainingRecord.xls"
End With
I have also tried the following and many various combinations of both of
CreateObject("Excel.application").Application.DisplayAlerts = False
CreateObject("Excel.application").activeworkbook.Close (True)
The Macro seems to go into never never land when executing the close command
(either one above).
Any ideas anyone.