Powerpoint to DVD?

  • Thread starter Thread starter dunnegan
  • Start date Start date


I have created a Powerpoint presentation that is set up
to run on timed slide transitions and incorporated music
and lots of photos that enter and exit within individual

I am trying to find a way to copy this to a DVD that can
be put in a DVD player and shown on a TV. Is this

Any ideas would be appreciated.
My advice, having tried many different options, would be to find someone who
has a set top DVD recorder and plug in your computer as a video source.
Once you have done that, how can you get the presentation then to transfer to the recorder? Where in powerpoint do you click to transfer the file?
Before I answer I should stress the words 'set top' DVD recorder, i.e. a
domestic video device connected to your TV and not a DVD-RW drive in your
You need to use a computer or laptop that has a TV output (many do these
days), plug that output into the corresponding video input on the DVD
recorder (S-video preferably) and select the relevant input on the
recorder's remote.
Then you can just run the show as normal and it will display on the video
output ready for you to record on the DVD.
This will work well for your kind of presentation which is self-running.
Manually cued presentations are a different kettle of ball games and need to
be taken to the PC for authoring.

timbogood said:
Once you have done that, how can you get the presentation then to transfer
to the recorder? Where in powerpoint do you click to transfer the file?