I am embedding .wav and actually I messed up the size is 3 gigs, not
megs. I have both 2002 and 2003 Powerpoint.
I split the presentation into 4 parts, when I produced each part on CD
it loads about 10 minutes – each part.
The sound files in total almost 3 gigs, because the slides themselves
are small. Basically what I have is about 300 slides with buttons, if
you click the button it plays the sound. I can put the whole
presentation on several CDs, it is OK with me. The problem is when I
produce it it loads 10 minutes. How to solve this problem? How do I
reduce the size?
If I try to hyperlink the files, when I produce the presentation every
time I click the button it pops up the warning if I want to continue,
because it is unsafe or something in that kind.
I just don't know what to do with such a huge file.
Another question is:
How do I get rid from the menu when the presentation is produced when
you click the right mouse button and it
Says NEXT, Previous, Go , Meting Minder, Speaker Notes, Pointer
Options, Screen, Help, End show. I don't Want the user to have it.
Thanks beforehand, Oxana