powerpoint presentation goes back to normal view during show

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I know this must be a setting somewhere, but I can't find it. While
presenting my PowerPoint show, periodically the program closes automatically
from the show and reverts back to the "normal" view. How do I keep this from
Two ways:
1) Save your presentation as a PowerPoint Show (PPS or PPSX - depending on
your version). When double clicked, files with these extensions will
automatically run your show and return to your presentation when you finish
the last slide.
2) If you are using Windows XP or Vista, right click a "regular" file (PPT
or PPTX). From the right click menu, select "Show". Again, the presentation
will play and close when done.

Kathy Jacobs, Microsoft MVP OneNote and PowerPoint
Author of Kathy Jacobs on PowerPoint
Get PowerPoint and OneNote information at www.onppt.com

I believe life is meant to be lived. But:
if we live without making a difference, it makes no difference that we lived
Hello Tom

This has been coming up quite a bit lately but I don't know if any
resolution has been reached. Suggested causes I know of:
- Dodgy mice/keyboards (particulalry of the wireless variety)
- Background/other applications grabbing 'focus'
- Voice recognition software
- Locked down system settings in corporate environment (e.g. forcing locking
after a time of inactivity)

I hope that helps.

MOS Master Instructor

If this post answered your question please let us know as others may be
interested too
psychopharmacist said:
I know this must be a setting somewhere, but I can't find it. While
presenting my PowerPoint show, periodically the program closes
from the show and reverts back to the "normal" view. How do I keep this

Do you have any programs running in the background? I've seen this behaviour
because a virus scanner tried to update himself and was searching for an
internet connection.
Thanks, Dr. Jacobs.
But this isn't the issue with my problem.
I am clicking the PowerPoint presentation during my seminars, advancing the
slides one at a time. But when the slide is displayed for a while, about 2
minutes or so (while I'm talking) the PowerPoint presentation reverts back to
the PowerPoint program. You know, where I can acutally Edit the presentation
(if I want.) I go back to thw presentation by clicking the little icon at the
lower right side of my screen (Slide Show from current Slide [F5].)I just
want it to keep the present slide displayed on the(large) screen (on the
laptop and on the screen in the seminar room through my projector) during my

Can you give me some guidance?
Dear Dr. Lucy:
Thanks, but thi isn't the issue. I do use a wireless device to advance my
PowerPoint show through the projector on the screen while giving my seminars,
but this happens when the screen is idle.
Dear Dr. Bork:
Thanks, but I have the computer skills of a turnip. I'm not running any
programs "in the background" that I know of. And that's the issue. If there
is a program "in the background" I don't have the skills to know it, or how
to stop it. As a rule, all I am doing is running a presentation, through my
laptop, through a projector, onto a screen on the wall during my seminars.
When the slide that is being projected onto the screen is "dormant" for a
while (and I can't give you a specific time frame) the F5 (View Show) reverts
back to my PowerPoint program.
Dear Dr. Bork:
Thanks, but I have the computer skills of a turnip. I'm not running any
programs "in the background" that I know of.

Nearly everyone has a virus protection program of some sort on their computer.
To check, click Start, Control Panel.
In the window that opens, doubleclick "Security Center"
If the "Virus Protection" section says "On", then you have antivirus software
running. Click the downward pointing arrow-like symbol next to "ON" to learn
which program it is.

From there, you'll have to work out how to temporarily turn it off or disable it.

While it's disabled, it's a good idea to disconnect your computer from the

And that's the issue. If there
is a program "in the background" I don't have the skills to know it, or how
to stop it. As a rule, all I am doing is running a presentation, through my
laptop, through a projector, onto a screen on the wall during my seminars.
When the slide that is being projected onto the screen is "dormant" for a
while (and I can't give you a specific time frame) the F5 (View Show) reverts
back to my PowerPoint program.
Another program that can cause this "unexpected" flip is your email program.
If you have your email set to check for new email any time you are connected
and at regular intervals, it will try to check for email as long as the
email program is open. Sometimes, this can cause PPT to think that you have
interrupted the presentation.

Kathy Jacobs, Microsoft MVP OneNote and PowerPoint
Author of Kathy Jacobs on PowerPoint
Get PowerPoint and OneNote information at www.onppt.com

I believe life is meant to be lived. But:
if we live without making a difference, it makes no difference that we lived
It might not be your mouse/wireless device. It might be someone else's
device in the room or a device on the same frequency in the next room.

Kathy Jacobs, Microsoft MVP OneNote and PowerPoint
Author of Kathy Jacobs on PowerPoint
Get PowerPoint and OneNote information at www.onppt.com

I believe life is meant to be lived. But:
if we live without making a difference, it makes no difference that we lived