Anybody ever tried putting an interactice slideshow on the web?
(with hyperlinks and actions settings)
Is this possible, can it be done?
Yes, and in several ways. Each has its limitations and peculiarities.
Have a read starting here:
WEBifying your PowerPoint
C'mon back with any questions you have afterwards.
Be sure to think about/let us know stuff like:
What version of PPT do you have?
Does your audience have PowerPoint, and if so what version?
If they don't have PPT, can you ask them to download and install a free Viewer?
Does your audience have special accessibility needs?
What type of links do you plan to include? Sounds, movies, buttons that go to
other slides in the same show? Links to other files like PDFs, other web
sites, etc.
And all the other important stuff I've forgotten to include <g>