Powerpoint flickers on start up in two monitor mode

  • Thread starter Thread starter dennis14
  • Start date Start date


When I start the presentation, the second screen flickers on and off a few
times and the projector will indicate it has lost the signal. Then everything
settles down.

The same thing happens when I end the presentation.

Any ideas?
Hi Dennis,

This sounds more like a projector problem than a PowerPoint one. Although,
you may try forcing the screen resolution in PowerPoint Slideshow to the
same as your screen resolution.

What I'm guessing is happening is that when the show starts, Windows in
changing the screen resolution on the second monitor to match the slideshow
settings. During this change there is a very brief moment where there is no
signal to the monitor. This is picked up by the projector, which then goes
looking for the right signal source.
Idea 1: Check the projector to see if there is a way to over-ride this
source searching.
Idea 2: By having windows use the same resolution that is used on the second
monitor, it should not have to modify the resolution and may by-pass the
whole flicker problem.

Anyway, the output screen resolution is set in the Slideshow => Set-up
dialog box; near the bottom.

Bill Dilworth
A proud member of the Microsoft PPT MVP Team
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Thanks so much!! The resolutions were all different. When I made them the
same, it improved dramatically!!

Everything is set to 800X600. I have the background on the desktop the same
as the pic on the masterpage. Now when put powerpoint into the presentation
mode, it goes black very quickly, then shows the first slide. Once in a
while, it will do another quick blackout. When I exit presentation mode, it
just goes black once very quickly, then shows the background picture. Is
this what I should expect?
