PowerPoint errors publishing PPT to HTM

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I'm experiencing extrange behaviours when I try to publish a PPT file as a
HTM file to create a Web page.
I create a PPT file with PowerPoint 2003 and I simply draw 2 rectangles (one
to separate the header of the slide and another one for the footer).
When I publish this simple PPT as a HTM file and I open it with Internet
Explorer the footer rectangle is not at the botton of the page and the header
rectangle is not in the same position in the window. And worse: they don't
reach the end of the window. It is af their size and position is not
correctly exported to HTM.
Here the example:

I can adjust the position of the rectangles in PPT so they show up in the
correct position when published to HTM, but then the appearence in PPT is not
correct. I don't manage to place them in the same position in PPT and HTM at
the same time.

Any ideas on whether I'm doing something wrong or it is simply an error in

Thanks for any suggestions,

I see a font substitution but that apart the ppt and htm seem the same here
(IE 6 / ppt 2007)
You are telling me that the blue rectangles don't change size and position
in your computer??? Fonts don't really worry me but the general view does...

This are the screens I get: http://download.yousendit.com/2675B881206903A6
Do you get the same?

If not ... what can be wrong (I guess that in my Internet Explorer) to have
such a different presentation???

Thanks a lot and best regards,

That's simply perfect !
Might it be because I'm using IE7 ???? I'll try to find another computer
with IE6...
Any suggestion on why I'm getting different results?

Thanks again,

Hi again,

After several more trials, and with the hint you gave me, I found something
I wouldn't believe: It seems that the problem is not in the PowerPoint file,
but in the Internet Explorer version and/or some problem with the HTM code

Using exatly the same HTM code generated by PowerPoint in two computers I
get this results:
Example 1 (files from PenDrive):
--- Home Computer: Windows XP 2002 Sp2 & IE 7 from Yahoo
--- Flash animations PLAYING perfectly
--- Size and position of blue rectangles WRONGLY displayed.
--- 1920 x 1200 pixels screen resolution (Same appearance if I change it)
Example 2 (same files from PenDrive):
--- Work Computer: Windows XP 2002 Sp2 & IE 7 from my company
--- Flash animations NOT PLAYING
--- Size and position of blue rectangles CORRECTLY displayed.
--- 1024 x 768 pixels screen resolution

Here the screeshots and example file:

I'll try to locate some help for the problem in some IE Discussion Group.
Thanks again and best regards,


PD. Thanks for the suggestions from other users of using different programs
to export to SWF or similar, but I'l keep trying to use Office : it should be
enough for what I need.