I agree with what Echo and Steve have said, but want to add a couple of
other points:
1) If your web host doesn't like Word's HTML, they are going to hate
PowerPoint's. Even more files are created and they are harder to read and
2) If you use sounds in your presentation, you will need to do some hand
editing of the HTML to get the sound to run. Even then, it probably won't
run the way you want it to. (Sound in PPT as default runs only within any
given slide. If you have sound that needs to run across slides, you have to
attach it to the frame instead of the slide.)
3) If you gather data during the presentation, it won't work the way you
expect when translated to HTML.
On the flip side:
If you do make separate PPT and HTML versions, you will need to keep both
updated when you change either. If you are the only one controlling the
source for the two, that isn't a problem. However, I strongly recommend you
document the mapping between the two.
My opinion? If it isn't absolutely necessary to have the HTML be PPT based,
make it separate and do a document tracking map. My second suggestion would
be to look into Steve's PPT2HTML, because it will solve some of the problems
and yet you can still keep the two versions consistent. If you are going to
go with PPT's HTML, check out the relevant sections of the PPT FAQ:
Put your PowerPoint-generated HTML on the web
Browser compatibility
Optimize PowerPoint's HTML for Netscape Navigator
Make PowerPoint 2000 HTML open full screen
Making PowerPoint 2002 (XP) HTML open full screen
Get rid of the outline pane and navigation controls in HTML from PowerPoint
2000 and up
Sounds won't play across multiple slides on the web
How to create HTML without frames
Control how the browser opens PowerPoint files
Everything there is to know about PowerPoint's HTML
Convert PowerPoint to Flash
Using the Web Publishing Wizard
Kathryn Jacobs, Microsoft MVP PowerPoint and OneNote
Author of Kathy Jacobs on PowerPoint - Available now from Holy Macro! Books
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I believe life is meant to be lived. But:
if we live without making a difference, it makes no difference that we lived