Hi Bob
I have Office 2003 & 2007 installed (other than Outlook). If I use Word 2003
send to powerpoint it opens 2003, even if I have 2007 sitting open waiting
for it (yes, you can have 2003 & 2007 open at the same time). However, you
can use New slide -> slides from outline -> navigate to your word doc from
within 2007.
A few of things to note:
1. Double clicking a powrepoint file opens it in 2007 regardless of what it
was created in/file type so you have to use file -> open to open files in
2. I always work in the same version as my clients (I sometimes copy/paste
some of the nice new pretty stuff from 2007 to 2003) as this keeps things
simple. The way 2007 handles masters & colours schemes and all the rest is so
different... Others may have a different view on that but life's too short in
my opinion

3. Charts - I've always used excel for my charts anyway so this hasn't been
an issue for me, but be aware that 2007 doesn't use ms graph at all - it uses
excel by default. I think there is a registry hack so you can force it to use
ms graph, but I don't do the registry thing and why would you when excel is
so much better? Oh wait a minute. It uses excel 2007, so it probably still
uses ms graph if you don't have excel 2007 installed - I would get into the
habit of using excel though, particularly if you are sharing the files with
people using 2007. Sorry, that was just a big long rambly confusing thing
wasn't it? Need coffee...
If you have any other questions don't hesitate to ask.