Dario de Judicibus
Windows XP 2002 SP2 up to date
Office 2003 SP3 up to date
Powerpoint version 11 build 8307.8221
English (US)
Acrobat PDFMaker Office COM Addin
Google Desktop Office Addin
Send to Bluetooth
While I am working with a presentation, Powerpoint just disappears from
screen (crashes). No error report, no error message. All opened PPT windows
(if more than one) close at the same time. It occurs randomly on different
presentations, that is, it does not seem to be presentation dependent. It
usually occurs while I am writing text. It occurs also in presentations with
no bitmap, vector, or both graphics (text only). Round tripping does not
solve the problem, nor removing hidden data does. I cannot find a way to get
a log or other error info about the crash. It is seriously upsetting me
Any help appreciated.
Dario de Judicibus
Windows XP 2002 SP2 up to date
Office 2003 SP3 up to date
Powerpoint version 11 build 8307.8221
English (US)
Acrobat PDFMaker Office COM Addin
Google Desktop Office Addin
Send to Bluetooth
While I am working with a presentation, Powerpoint just disappears from
screen (crashes). No error report, no error message. All opened PPT windows
(if more than one) close at the same time. It occurs randomly on different
presentations, that is, it does not seem to be presentation dependent. It
usually occurs while I am writing text. It occurs also in presentations with
no bitmap, vector, or both graphics (text only). Round tripping does not
solve the problem, nor removing hidden data does. I cannot find a way to get
a log or other error info about the crash. It is seriously upsetting me

Any help appreciated.
Dario de Judicibus