Ah, *those* arrows. Gotcha.
I don't think there's a way to make that setting permanent, Andy. Sorry.
You might want to let MS know how useful it would be if they'd make this an option, though. As Microsoft's John Langhans frequently posts here,
If it is important to you (or to anyone else reading this message) that
PowerPoint have the ability to <do whatever>, don't forget to send your feedback (in YOUR OWN WORDS, please) to Microsoft at:
As with all product suggestions, it's important that you not just state
your wish but also WHY it is important to you that your product suggestion
be implemented by Microsoft.
It's VERY important that, for EACH wish, you describe in detail, WHY it is
important TO YOU that your product suggestion be implemented. A good wish
submssion includes WHAT scenario, work-flow, or end-result is blocked by
not having a specific feature, HOW MUCH time and effort ($$$) is spent
working around a specific limitation of the current product, etc. Remember
that Microsoft receives THOUSANDS of product suggestions every day and we
read each one but, in any given product development cycle, there are ONLY
sufficient resources to address the ones that are MOST IMPORTANT to our
customers so take the extra time to state your case as CLEARLY and
COMPLETELY as possible so that we can FEEL YOUR PAIN.
IMPORTANT: Each submission should be a single suggestion (not a list of
presenter, PPT Live '04
Oct 10-13, San Diego