It's a common mis-conception that adding more Extracting fans inside a
computer automatically case decreases the CPU temperature.There are
many factors to consider.I run an O/C XP1800 @ 143/143 and only have 1
back 80mm case fan pulling air out and an 80mm low RPM case fan modded
on my HS for a quiet system.My under load temperatures are well within
spec even under very heavy gaming loads.People who have 4 and 5 case
fans usually have no idea about thermal cooling or case design.
"When is a box not a box?when it's a computer case"

I bought my case(Globalwin 802) because of the reviews on it's
thermal design and build quality,not it's looks or other factors.it
has not disappointed me.
Adding too many fans can cause vortices that fight each other to
remove the air and in turn cause turbulence that actually can defeat
the object.This combined with untidy wiring and bad position of PCI
cards can also cause heat build up.Some hard drives and video cards
can run hot and making sure their cooling fans are not inhibited,if
they have them,is also an issue.The use of round IDE cables can
eliminate some heat problems by allowing better airflow compared with
the flatter IDE cables which if twisted and in line of site of cooling
fans can cause airflow restrictions.
It's also a common fault that after a period of time people don't
take off and clean their CPU HS and fan which can build up with crud.I
do this around Spring of each year.
I have no time for people who care about CPU idling temperatures
as these mean nothing to me.It's the,"Under Load" temps that concern
me and if they are well within spec then job done IMHO.
People who have to get their CPU temps,"Supercool" in the thought
that it will increase the life of the CPU or give them better
performance are off-the-track as that CPU will most likely these days
be redundant to the user and passed on well before it failed.
My 10 penn'th.
My whole cooling solution cost around £12 ukp for two 80 mm silent
Evercool Case fans and HS for my CPU and a bit of cheap thermal paste
and this present system has been running for 2 years 99% constant use
with a cheap ECS K7S5A mother board and generic ram
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