PowerDVD does not recognise DVD

Oct 27, 2005
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have just purchased PowerDVD which installed OK (my PC has all requirements for this software). When I insert a movie DVD and press play, PowerDVD tells me "no disc in drive D:"
I can play a movie file and also audio CD through PowerDVD so I assume that the software is OK and the problem lies elsewhere...
Have tried re-installing but problem still persists....Any clues??


ps Also unable to play DVD with Real Player or Windows Media Player 10.

pps Apologies if I have posted this in the wrong forum..
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If you have more than one optical drive fitted capable of playing DVD's, you may have to specify your default playback drive.

Go to the little hammer icon button on the interface, select 'Player Setting' and choose your drive there.
computer info


I have AMD Athlon XP2000 processor, 512 Mb RAM, 80GB HDD

My DVD/CD-ROM is a LITE-ON LTR-52246S and I have installed the latest drivers.

I have downloaded a codec pack from the internet which includes:-


...but still cannot get PowerDVD, RealPlayer or WMP 10 to play or recognise a DVD.

Thanks - have tried 'Player Setting' and underneath "Default CD/DVD-ROM Drive" is a greyed out box with [D:\] inside.
Looks as though your DVD player isn't being seen. Does it show in 'My Computer'?

Can you read any disk at all in the drive?

If not, check your cable connections are good and also check the jumper on the rear of the drive. If you're not sure what to set it to (master or slave) try CS (Cable Select).
I think I know what the problem is.

The Liteon LTR-52246S is a CDRW.

It does not play or read DVD's.
floppybootstomp said:
I think I know what the problem is.

The Liteon LTR-52246S is a CDRW.

It does not play or read DVD's.

i was just going to say that

.....which would also explain why RealPlayer and WMP10 are not recognising the drive..?!#*!!


Sorry about that.........

at least I've found an excellent PC forum
