hello, I have a bit of a problem and I am not sure what is causing the
problem. every morning with I first start-up my machine, I press the button,
and the power light flashes and the speakers make a noise as when u plug
them in the power, then the pc goes dead. after this I cannot turn the pc on
until I take the plug out, take out the fuse, and replace it. (I sometimes
have to do this a number of times before it starts up correctly, also each
time I do it and its does work the same thing happens, the pc goes dead).
now this wasn't a major problem until lately once I do get it going the hard
drive starts spinning, as do the cd-roms as they do when it the pc starts up
normally however then they stop and start and stop and so on... also I get a
no signal message on my screen.
so does anyone want to guess as to what is failing? the power cable, power
supply or the motherboard?
ps. I am running XP home, with a MSI 6309 m/board, PIII 866, and a 300W p/s.
problem. every morning with I first start-up my machine, I press the button,
and the power light flashes and the speakers make a noise as when u plug
them in the power, then the pc goes dead. after this I cannot turn the pc on
until I take the plug out, take out the fuse, and replace it. (I sometimes
have to do this a number of times before it starts up correctly, also each
time I do it and its does work the same thing happens, the pc goes dead).
now this wasn't a major problem until lately once I do get it going the hard
drive starts spinning, as do the cd-roms as they do when it the pc starts up
normally however then they stop and start and stop and so on... also I get a
no signal message on my screen.
so does anyone want to guess as to what is failing? the power cable, power
supply or the motherboard?
ps. I am running XP home, with a MSI 6309 m/board, PIII 866, and a 300W p/s.