Help said:
How do you test/check a "power supply unit" that is out
of the computer; considered "fried"?
Does it have to be in the computer to be tested/checked
to see if it is fried?
One thing you don't want to do is waste your money on a power supply
tester because all it will do is tell you if the PSU isn't dead, not
whether it works well enough to actually run a computer. For example,
my friend got one from CompUSA, and it said that my PSU was fine even
though its +12V rail measured way under +11V -- not enough to even
cause the HD to spin.
For the price of a PSU tester you can by a cheapo digital multimeter
that will not only give highly accurate readings but also be useable
for testing lots of other electrical items. You'll also need a paper
clip to short the green wire to a black wire and some kind of load,
like an old mobo or HD, to make the voltages accurate.