We have a computer here that was installed/configured before I took this position over. It's a custom build so I can't give you a make/model.
Over the weekend it just stopped working. It will not power on. No lights, fans..nothing. How do I determine if it's a bad power supply or motherboard?
The motherboard (Gigabyte GA-81DX) has a single solid amber light on when I plug in the power cord.
Any thoughts? Suggestions?
We have a computer here that was installed/configured before I took this position over. It's a custom build so I can't give you a make/model.
Over the weekend it just stopped working. It will not power on. No lights, fans..nothing. How do I determine if it's a bad power supply or motherboard?
The motherboard (Gigabyte GA-81DX) has a single solid amber light on when I plug in the power cord.
Any thoughts? Suggestions?