Yesterday morning, ten hours after I'd last powered my PC down, I turned
it on and noticed immediately a burning "electrical fire" smell.
Turned the computer off (using Windows shutdown first from the login
screen), disconnected all peripherals and the power, opened the case.
Attached the power cord only, started it, everything worked (hard drives
were cycling, CPU fan going, motherboard lights on, etc.), but I noticed
the smell again. I did some sniffing and it was definitely coming from
the power supply. Then the computer just stopped.
I am not a "hardware guy" but I did some research on the web, consulted
with the friend who helped me build the computer, and it seemed pretty
open and shut. The 350 watt supply that came with the case ($35 for
case and supply) was to blame.
So went to CompUSA today and picked up
http://www.compusa.com/products/product_info.asp?product_code=283768 -
seemed to be a worthy "bang for the buck" 400-watt supply.
http://www.hardwaresecrets.com/article/362/ is the instructions I
Before disconnecting the old PSU, I carefully labelled every connection,
showing what it was connected to, and the orientation on the drive or
board. (The PSU had a 20-pin connection to the motherboard, the ATX12V
comnnector, and my computer has two hard drives, a DVD drive, and a 3.5"
Plugged the computer in, turned on the PSU, and nothing. Ultimately, I
tried a known good power cord and the new cord that came with the PSU, a
known working outlet, several permutations, nothing. The voltage
selector is correct (115 volts) on the back of the PSU. When I apply
power, the CPU fan turns for about two seconds then stops (no harsh or
unusual noises - it was turning fine yesterday). The green light on the
motherboard stays lit. But no drive lights come on, and no sign of any
I don't have a multimeter. I'm not an electrician or electrical
engineer. I just want some suggestions on what might be wrong and how
to fix it. FWIW, the motherboard seems to show no abuse; the capacitors
all look shiny and intact.
My friend who built the PC for me is traveling, and I will ultimately
bring the computer to him and his extensive testbench if I can't figure
this out myself. But I'm really at my wit's end now and am hoping for a
few useful "try this" suggestions.
it on and noticed immediately a burning "electrical fire" smell.
Turned the computer off (using Windows shutdown first from the login
screen), disconnected all peripherals and the power, opened the case.
Attached the power cord only, started it, everything worked (hard drives
were cycling, CPU fan going, motherboard lights on, etc.), but I noticed
the smell again. I did some sniffing and it was definitely coming from
the power supply. Then the computer just stopped.
I am not a "hardware guy" but I did some research on the web, consulted
with the friend who helped me build the computer, and it seemed pretty
open and shut. The 350 watt supply that came with the case ($35 for
case and supply) was to blame.
So went to CompUSA today and picked up
http://www.compusa.com/products/product_info.asp?product_code=283768 -
seemed to be a worthy "bang for the buck" 400-watt supply.
http://www.hardwaresecrets.com/article/362/ is the instructions I
Before disconnecting the old PSU, I carefully labelled every connection,
showing what it was connected to, and the orientation on the drive or
board. (The PSU had a 20-pin connection to the motherboard, the ATX12V
comnnector, and my computer has two hard drives, a DVD drive, and a 3.5"
Plugged the computer in, turned on the PSU, and nothing. Ultimately, I
tried a known good power cord and the new cord that came with the PSU, a
known working outlet, several permutations, nothing. The voltage
selector is correct (115 volts) on the back of the PSU. When I apply
power, the CPU fan turns for about two seconds then stops (no harsh or
unusual noises - it was turning fine yesterday). The green light on the
motherboard stays lit. But no drive lights come on, and no sign of any
I don't have a multimeter. I'm not an electrician or electrical
engineer. I just want some suggestions on what might be wrong and how
to fix it. FWIW, the motherboard seems to show no abuse; the capacitors
all look shiny and intact.
My friend who built the PC for me is traveling, and I will ultimately
bring the computer to him and his extensive testbench if I can't figure
this out myself. But I'm really at my wit's end now and am hoping for a
few useful "try this" suggestions.