Power supply dead :(

Sep 17, 2005
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Hey guys,

I turned on my pc this morning (at the mains, not actually turning the computer itself on) and was treated to my power supply shooting electricity out the back, going bang, and smoking.

It is as dead as a dodo.

I think it is my fault incidentally - I bought a 9800gtx a month ago but my power supply was only 500w, which his probably a bit on the low side.

My question is, because I think this wasn't a power surge (no fuses blown in the plugs, though the house fusebox did blow) the rest of my hardware should be ok shouldn't it? I'd really like my hard drives to not be wiped, it would be pretty bad if they were.
Tough luck mate.

If you can afford it get a psu powerful enough for your next upgrade when you replace it.
Hi PG,
I dont wanna sound like el dopo but, Is there a reset button on the PSU that you can hit??

Do you not have another psu you can use. The original maybe? Just to try the pc and make sure it's still werkin.
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Thats good to know, thanks guys.

Its not that kind of problem zed, looks like a capacitor might have blown from what I can see through the mesh stuff. I do have another PSU, but it doesn't fit, which is helpful.

I'll buy a 650w one just to be on the safe side I think.

Tedious thing to happen :(