Power Supply calculator

Feb 26, 2003
Reaction score
I have always caluculated my power supply needs manually (well, with a calculator)...but after a quick search on the web I found this online calculator

You can set it up for AMD or Intel-based systems and I found it useful for planning my next upgrades and a new build for someone else.

Anyone found something similar or even better? Perhaps something could be added to the 'features' section - waddya think Ian?
That's been around for some time now and mentioned before here but I think being able to differentiate beween AMD & Intel is a new feature.

It's a useful function, perhaps we should supply a permanent link somewhere here.

How about setting up of bookmark section/area where useful utilities and like can be made available for the members?
floppybootstomp said:
It's a useful function, perhaps we should supply a permanent link somewhere here.


How about I make a new resources page with good links like this one on it? I seem to remember I was supposed to have already done this... but I've only just remembered :o

edit - just seen that Quad, you've taken the words right out of my mouth ;)
Needs updating again I think. No optiosn for PCI-E 6800Gt cards in SLI config.
And updates for memory configs too.

Altho I do come well within PSU requirements :D
TriplexDread said:
Needs updating again I think. No optiosn for PCI-E 6800Gt cards in SLI config.
And updates for memory configs too.

Altho I do come well within PSU requirements :D

I'm sure you're right TripleX...it's one of those things that may well need updating quite often as new hardware comes out. I would always add on 50W to whatever it says anyway...just to be on the safe side.
The idea of a resource page is good...for drivers and utilities etc