power scheme problems



I have three computers running Windows XP Pro. Two are desktops, and one is a
laptop--all Dell. Everything fine for over a year, but recently the two
desktops haven't been running the power scheme properly. The laptop still

What happens with the desktops is that no matter what extent of time I put
into the scheme, the screen saver comes on, but it never gets beyond that. In
other words it never shuts off the monitor, never shuts off the drives, never
goes into sleep mode, etc. After a few minutes in screen saver mode, (with no
activity on my part) the screens pop back up. This is true even if I'm away
from the computers for several hours and have monitor shut-off programmed for
30 minutes.

I have no idea what's waking them up. I've checked all obvious things that
might cause "activity" like Eudora, Windows Messenger, etc. Besides, I have
all those things running on the laptop and it is working fine.

The most recent thing to happen on my machines was installation of SP-2 and
Google desktop search (beta).

If anybody has any ideas I would be most appreciative. Thanks

Mark L. Ferguson

in the BIOS setup, look for the power options (S-1 or S-3) and remove the
option to "Wake on LAN" and "Wake on Ring"



Thanks Mark, but in my bios setup the only thing I see that comes close to
what you said is an item labled "suspend" and when I manipulate that it
toggles s1 and s3. Default seems to be s1. It never says what either of those
does, nor does it give me any further options. I thought "wake on ring" etc.,
were for waking up a machine via call in to modem.


Thanks Mark, but in my bios setup the only option that comes close to what
you described is one marked "suspend" and manipulation of that just toggles
s1 to s3, etc. with no explanation of either. Default is s1. I thought that
"wake on ring" was a method by which one could wake up a machine remotely via
dial in to modem.

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