Power Savings - Sleep mode

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Is there anyway for me to leave my computer on overnight, free to download
while in sleep mode?

I notice my internet connection closes down when I set the PC to sleep.

I would like to keep my PC able to continue downloading to a while my PC is
at maximum power saving.

What settings to I enable in power managment?
You can't sleep the computer while also downloading files. There are
different idle modes that newer processors and motherboards support. One of
my newer computers can go into a type of sleep mode but all it really does
is turn the graphics off, and perhaps slow the processor down.
The motherboard manufacture supplies the program to control these features
while in Windows. Otherwise I would have to change the settings in the bios
to do the same thing.

One way you could save power is to change bios settings that use a slower
processor speed, and perhaps use a slower memory speed. I don't think you
will get that much of a difference though.

Even if your network card remained powered on (but the rest of the computer
sleeping), the CPU still would have to do the processing of the data stream
and putting the bits onto the storage device, the network card can't do that
on its own.
Yup. Waste of time.

Just leave that sucker running - switch your monitor off.

You're hardly concerned about using 10 cents worth of power I hope.