Thanks for your answer.
The complete history is:
Since july, we have been upgrading office 2003 to 2007 SP 2 in 40 PC Core 2
Duo 6400 2.13 Ghz and Core 2 Duo 8400 3.0 Ghz, with Win XP prof. SP 3, 2 and
4 GB RAM, completely updated by WSUS 3.0. On August one PC start with "Event
type officelifeboathang, P1 powerpnt.exe" when a user works with graphics.
Now there are five computers with the same error. Then, i uninstalled and
reinstalled Office 2007 + SP2, even reinstalled a PC, but issue appears
again. Try hotfix 975021, successfully installed in 3 Computers, but nothing
Is there another solution?