My name is Greg. I am a medical student. Every day I get tons of study
materials in either .docx or .pptx format. Most often me and my colleagues
print them for later use. Given our lifestyles (running like crazy), the
best way to carry those around is in a booklet format. We do that with the
Word documents through the page setup. Unfortunately, it is does not appear
possible with Power Point unless there is a specific option on a printer,
which is not our case. Converting to the Word does not seem to help either:
it takes forever to process and it does not allow to choose how many slides
can go per page.
Any suggestions?
Thank you
My name is Greg. I am a medical student. Every day I get tons of study
materials in either .docx or .pptx format. Most often me and my colleagues
print them for later use. Given our lifestyles (running like crazy), the
best way to carry those around is in a booklet format. We do that with the
Word documents through the page setup. Unfortunately, it is does not appear
possible with Power Point unless there is a specific option on a printer,
which is not our case. Converting to the Word does not seem to help either:
it takes forever to process and it does not allow to choose how many slides
can go per page.
Any suggestions?
Thank you