power options



when i double click power options in control panel it doesnt load plzzzzz
help i would like to watch movies without it turning on stanby but cant
change it till i can open power options


Try changing the power options settings in the Windows Registry:

Go to Start\Run\type: "regedit" (no quotes) and Enter, next browse to:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\PowerCfg\CurrentPowerPolicy = data is a
PowerPolicy number, according to the sub-keys which represent a power
policy, described in the "Name" value's data.
Change the number in the "CurrentPowerPolicy" data to 3, to have the
computer and screen stay always on, or type the number of the key which
describes the preferred power policy in the "Name" value data. You may have
to restart the computer for the change to take effect.

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