Power on my PC



On one of my PC's I can power up at the touch of my spacebar instead of
pressing the power button on my CPU. However I can't seem to remember how to
do this. Can someone please help

Shenan Stanley

Shepstar said:
On one of my PC's I can power up at the touch of my spacebar instead
of pressing the power button on my CPU. However I can't seem to
remember how to do this. Can someone please help

That would be a function of your hardware - unless you have it in
hibernation and not actually powered off.

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers


Check in the system BIOS.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Associate Expert - WindowsXP Expert Zone

Windows help - www.rickrogers.org

T. Waters

Shenan said:
That would be a function of your hardware - unless you have it in
hibernation and not actually powered off.

Hibernation *is* powered off.
Standby will unsuspend at a keyboard input.

Shenan Stanley

Shepstar said:
On one of my PC's I can power up at the touch of my spacebar instead
of pressing the power button on my CPU. However I can't seem to
remember how to do this. Can someone please help

Shenan said:
That would be a function of your hardware - unless you have it in
hibernation and not actually powered off.

T. Waters said:
Hibernation *is* powered off.
Standby will unsuspend at a keyboard input.

Yes - Hibernation is a saved state power-down.. Where Windows simply
restarts in the "last saved" state.
However, coming out of hibernation with a keyboard key-press is a function
of the hardware - not Windows XP.

(For example (extreme), if you have a mechanical power switch - that
keypress will do nothing to power on your system..)

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