I've got an interesting problem that I'm looking for some help with.
I've got a user who I just swapped out his laptop.
He was running a Dell Latitude Cpi w/ Win 2000. Shortly after he got that machine, the Stand By Option disappeared. No hardware change or software change occured, it just wasn't there anymore. Power Managment didn't recognize any sort of stand by option at all. I figured at the time that it was a problem with an older laptop not being capable to accomodate the stand by option.
Fast forward a year and a half or so. I get this old laptop back, use Norton Ghost to copy it to my network, then copy it to a newer Latitude C600. This problem doesn't even remotely cross my mind. I send his laptop back to him.
He calls me and says he still doesn't have a stand by option.
I've got a couple questions to whomever might know:
1. What happened to the stand by option in the first place?
2. How can I go about getting this option back?
Thanks for any info you can give me.
I've got an interesting problem that I'm looking for some help with.
I've got a user who I just swapped out his laptop.
He was running a Dell Latitude Cpi w/ Win 2000. Shortly after he got that machine, the Stand By Option disappeared. No hardware change or software change occured, it just wasn't there anymore. Power Managment didn't recognize any sort of stand by option at all. I figured at the time that it was a problem with an older laptop not being capable to accomodate the stand by option.
Fast forward a year and a half or so. I get this old laptop back, use Norton Ghost to copy it to my network, then copy it to a newer Latitude C600. This problem doesn't even remotely cross my mind. I send his laptop back to him.
He calls me and says he still doesn't have a stand by option.
I've got a couple questions to whomever might know:
1. What happened to the stand by option in the first place?
2. How can I go about getting this option back?
Thanks for any info you can give me.