I recently added our network PCs to a Windows domain.
Once I did that, the power management stopped working correctly. I have the
monitors set to power off after 4 hours, but they actually power off after
about 20 or 30 minutes.
The monitors are not set with any power saver features that I can see, but
even so, all that changed was adding the computers to the domain.
After adding them to the new domain, I logged in as the user with
Administrator privileges and set the screen saver to Marquee with a 20 minute
screen saver timeout and a 4 hour power off for the monitor.
Once I did that, the power management stopped working correctly. I have the
monitors set to power off after 4 hours, but they actually power off after
about 20 or 30 minutes.
The monitors are not set with any power saver features that I can see, but
even so, all that changed was adding the computers to the domain.
After adding them to the new domain, I logged in as the user with
Administrator privileges and set the screen saver to Marquee with a 20 minute
screen saver timeout and a 4 hour power off for the monitor.