The Toyman
Not sure I'm in the right place, but . . . If I should be posting this
somewhere else, maybe someone could tell me where to go (nicely).
I'm trying to install a new hard drive as the master boot drive and keep the
old one as slave. The old setup ran the data cable from the M'board to the
HD to the CD drive. Bought a new cable with the extra connector, but am
unsure about the plug-in order. Since the master and slave function are
controlled by the jumpers, does it make any difference where the CD plugs
Right now one end of the cable plugs in to the old HD (Western Dig. EIDE) to
the M'board (connector colored coded blue), to the CD drive, then terminates
in the new HD (Seagate Ultra ATA/100). The M'board connector is in the
Initially had some problems recognizing the new drive with the master-slave
set up, so rejumpered as new HD=master, and old HD=Single (only HD in the
box). For whatever reason, both drives are now recognized and are
accessible- the new drive is the Primary master, and the old drive is a
Secondary master. Not sure what's going on there - yet. Hope to get that
fixed later.
Since I'm trying to get this thing running for a friend who has lost his XP
O/S disk, I'm a bit reluctant to make 'in-the-dark' changes that may force a
purchase of another O/S disk.
Any thoughts?
somewhere else, maybe someone could tell me where to go (nicely).
I'm trying to install a new hard drive as the master boot drive and keep the
old one as slave. The old setup ran the data cable from the M'board to the
HD to the CD drive. Bought a new cable with the extra connector, but am
unsure about the plug-in order. Since the master and slave function are
controlled by the jumpers, does it make any difference where the CD plugs
Right now one end of the cable plugs in to the old HD (Western Dig. EIDE) to
the M'board (connector colored coded blue), to the CD drive, then terminates
in the new HD (Seagate Ultra ATA/100). The M'board connector is in the
Initially had some problems recognizing the new drive with the master-slave
set up, so rejumpered as new HD=master, and old HD=Single (only HD in the
box). For whatever reason, both drives are now recognized and are
accessible- the new drive is the Primary master, and the old drive is a
Secondary master. Not sure what's going on there - yet. Hope to get that
fixed later.
Since I'm trying to get this thing running for a friend who has lost his XP
O/S disk, I'm a bit reluctant to make 'in-the-dark' changes that may force a
purchase of another O/S disk.
Any thoughts?