I remember when the UK was dragged kicking and screaming into the decimal
age and looking back we were mad to resist getting rid of such an
anachronistic system as LSD. Thank heavens you don't want halfpennys and
Farthings. You don't want halfpennies and farthings do you!!!
1 pound =240 old pennies
1 shilling = 12 old pennies
I doubt you'll get a format for this but this UDF will convert a decimal
Pounds amount into and LSD amount
Call with
where a1 contains a decimal currency amount
Function Dec_LSD(amt)
pounds = Int(amt)
amt = (amt - pounds) * 20
shillings = Int(amt)
amt = (amt - shillings) * 12
pence = Int(amt)
Dec_LSD = pounds & " L " & shillings & " s " & pence & "d"
End Function
When competing hypotheses are otherwise equal, adopt the hypothesis that
introduces the fewest assumptions while still sufficiently answering the