Can you not install XP on a seperate partition in order to test the
I hate XP and even when it is running properly it is slow and
inefficient compared to 98SE.
I LOVE XP. It can run quite nearly as fast as 98SE, too--besides smoother
and with infinitely more stability.
I've run XP on three machines of differing spec and the way of getting
it to run properly is to tweak it to perform as closely to 98 as
You mean "faster," not properly. Besides turning off the eye candy, you
also need to turn off non-essential services. Check blackviper's site
(sorry, no URL at the moment) for free .reg files to do 95% of that for
you. You can also use XPlite (I think one version is freeware) to get rid
of bloat. Finally you can switch to a sleek, much better looking, 3/4 less
bloated, really *neat* shell like the free blackbox (bb4win or bblean)
(requires a small learning curve, but you can run bb on top of explorer
until you want to make the switch). If you wanna go payware, I highly
recommend Aston. Great free styles and themes for both!
XP rocks! No doubt about it!
'Cept you have no DOS for backup in case of emergency :-(
Oh, how very poor and backwards we are that we still have to depend on that
little DOS disk! Makes me sad, really, to think I was once in that
Hey. Use free PEBuilder to build yerself a REAL boot CD on steroids (a
mini-XP environment) with all kinds of utilities, including file managers,
a disk imager, xxcopy, nic drivers, even a 'net browser, anything you want.
Reads and writes NTSF with ease, too. A DOS prompt is just PITIFUL compared
to that, pal!
Schedule ERUNT to run every couple days or as needed to do a complete
registry backup, which can even be restored from XP (requires a reboot of
And don't forget about Recovery Console, which needs no extra disk. There's
your prompt

System Restore is a ghastly, resource hungry, problematic no no...
Make sure you have a vast amount of RAM. Good luck.
Who needs System Restore? Turn that shit off, and hibernation, too. Use
ERUNT and a disk imager and xxcopy on a schedule.
Nah, you don't need a vast amount of RAM at all. You got at least 128k
already, right? With any OS, more is better, however.
And just go ahead and install right over Win98 if you don't want to take
the time to reinstall your old programs. (If not, choose NTFS for the file
system on the clean install.) If a program can't even run in compatibility
mode, remove it: you didn't really need that obsolete old thing anyway,
it's time to finally let go, packrat. Then use a reg cleaner to clean out
any stuff that's now useless, and go thru the Device Manager and remove
hidden devices. (Backup w/ ERUNT first, tho'.) Then use the reg optimizer
that comes w/ ERUNT. You're set to rock!
By the way NTFS is FAR better than FAT32. You can say goodbye to all that
scandisk nonsense and lost files and clusters after a crash (and crashes
are gonna be rare now anyway, assuming you update all your drivers)! You
can convert to NTFS from FAT32 after installation, but first do the cluster
alignment: see
Yeah, XP all the way! (Until the vendors all support Linux
