sups sups via .NET 247
Hi ..
please see the code below..
I have two tables Centrals and Devices both having Central_Id asa common field..I am able to display the Centals table value inthe first datagrid (dataGirdCentral).However on click of eachcell on the central_id i want the corresponding entries ofDevices table to be shown in the 2nd datagriddataGridDevices..how do i do that...
private void loadCentralDevices()
ds = new DataSet();
//Getting schema of Centrals table
DataTable centralDt = new DataTable("Centrals");
String query = "Select * from Centrals";
OleDbDataAdapter da = newOleDbDataAdapter(query,ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["MsAccess_ConnectString"]);
da.FillSchema(centralDt, SchemaType.Source);
//Getting schema of Devices table
DataTable deviceDt = new DataTable("Devices");
String query1 = "Select * from Devices";
da = newOleDbDataAdapter(query1,ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["MsAccess_ConnectString"]);
DataRelation dr = new DataRelation("Central_Devices_Relation",
centralDt.Columns["Central_ID"], deviceDt.Columns["Central_Id"]);
//create a dataview of the data
DataView centralVw = new DataView(ds.Tables["centralDt"]);
//giving access to Centrals table
centralVw.AllowEdit = true;
centralVw.AllowNew = true;
//set the grid source to the author view
dataGridCentral.DataSource = centralVw;
//hook up the event handler
dataGridCentral.CurrentCellChanged+= newEventHandler(this.dataGridCentral_CellChanging);
private void dataGridCentral_CellChanging(object sender,EventArgs eArgs)
????? what do i write here to get the corresponding values?
please see the code below..
I have two tables Centrals and Devices both having Central_Id asa common field..I am able to display the Centals table value inthe first datagrid (dataGirdCentral).However on click of eachcell on the central_id i want the corresponding entries ofDevices table to be shown in the 2nd datagriddataGridDevices..how do i do that...
private void loadCentralDevices()
ds = new DataSet();
//Getting schema of Centrals table
DataTable centralDt = new DataTable("Centrals");
String query = "Select * from Centrals";
OleDbDataAdapter da = newOleDbDataAdapter(query,ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["MsAccess_ConnectString"]);
da.FillSchema(centralDt, SchemaType.Source);
//Getting schema of Devices table
DataTable deviceDt = new DataTable("Devices");
String query1 = "Select * from Devices";
da = newOleDbDataAdapter(query1,ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["MsAccess_ConnectString"]);
DataRelation dr = new DataRelation("Central_Devices_Relation",
centralDt.Columns["Central_ID"], deviceDt.Columns["Central_Id"]);
//create a dataview of the data
DataView centralVw = new DataView(ds.Tables["centralDt"]);
//giving access to Centrals table
centralVw.AllowEdit = true;
centralVw.AllowNew = true;
//set the grid source to the author view
dataGridCentral.DataSource = centralVw;
//hook up the event handler
dataGridCentral.CurrentCellChanged+= newEventHandler(this.dataGridCentral_CellChanging);
private void dataGridCentral_CellChanging(object sender,EventArgs eArgs)
????? what do i write here to get the corresponding values?