Christopher Mackie
Can I save a PDF (or other doc-type) direct to an Exchange public folder
using VBA, or do I always have to use some kind of Outlook form as a holder?
Background: I'm grabbing PDF files from email attachments and posting them
to an Exchange Public Folder as a distribution point. When I do this
manually through the GUI, I drag and drop the attachment into the folder
(any doc-type, from what I can see, though PDF is all I'm handling here),
and the PDF becomes its own item in the folder: to open it, the user just
double-clicks on it and Acrobat Reader loads and displays in one step.
Trying to do it through VBA, I can attach the PDF to an Outlook form (e.g.,
Post) and save the form in the Public Folder, but then retrieving it is a
two-step process: first open the form, then open the PDF attachment. Is
there a way to duplicate that 'one-step' post from the drag-and-drop using
Tx, --C.J. Mackie
using VBA, or do I always have to use some kind of Outlook form as a holder?
Background: I'm grabbing PDF files from email attachments and posting them
to an Exchange Public Folder as a distribution point. When I do this
manually through the GUI, I drag and drop the attachment into the folder
(any doc-type, from what I can see, though PDF is all I'm handling here),
and the PDF becomes its own item in the folder: to open it, the user just
double-clicks on it and Acrobat Reader loads and displays in one step.
Trying to do it through VBA, I can attach the PDF to an Outlook form (e.g.,
Post) and save the form in the Public Folder, but then retrieving it is a
two-step process: first open the form, then open the PDF attachment. Is
there a way to duplicate that 'one-step' post from the drag-and-drop using
Tx, --C.J. Mackie