Last year I've got some experience with PostgreSQL migration from SQL
server 2000 of real world working database.
One of the most common problems after porting data to the particular
data types implemented in the RDBMS is porting the functionality.
MS SQL server is the only RDBMS which serves multiple result sets, thus
implementation of that kind of stored procedures is impossible in
PostgreSQL (although its my favorite open source DB).
Further more - /stored procedures are functions in Postgresql/, there
were some additional problems with output parameters and other small but
very important issues related to it, which were hard to overcome.
My advice is to stay with SQL server - it's really the best choice, if
you are determined to present professional solution. For educational,
and proof-of-concept, etc. experiments - PostreSQL is ok. SQL is the
leading one, much more reliable, scalable and flexible. Well it's not
perfect but it's ages in front of the others (with features like DDL
triggers in the new 2K5, XML Indexes, materialized views and etc.)
Petar Atanasov
MySQL - out of the discussion - we're talking about databases