Postback using a timer


Amil Hanish

I want to have a slideshow on a page. I would like to perform a POSTBACK (not a normal meta refresh) every n seconds. I want a
asp:Button on my page to start the show. When it is clicked, I want to then
modify the postback url of the button to stop the show (the text would
change to "Stop" as well). I was hoping there was some way to insert some
type of script that would execute the postback js that already
uses...even if I had to add the registerstartupscriptblock or something.

This needs to be a postback, not the normal meta refresh as there is lots of
other things that go on based on a postback occurring.


Amil Hanish

I ended up using a combination of javascript setTimer and .net 2.0
Page.ClientScript.GetPostBackEventReference(PostBackOptions). This works
very nicely.


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