Postal Code - Still Confused

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Since I posted I have changed to using one control for an address block
to suppress blank lines. It now reads:
=([MailingName]+Chr(13)+Chr(10)) &
([CompanyName]+Chr(13)+Chr(10)) &
([ShippingAddress1]+Chr(13)+Chr(10)) &
([ShippingAddress2]+Chr(13)+Chr(10)) & [ShippingCity] & "," & " " &
[ShippingState] & " " & " " &

At this point, Preview prompts me to 'Enter Parameter Value'

If, however, I use:
=([MailingName]+Chr(13)+Chr(10)) &
([CompanyName]+Chr(13)+Chr(10)) &
([ShippingAddress1]+Chr(13)+Chr(10)) &
([ShippingAddress2]+Chr(13)+Chr(10)) & [ShippingCity] & "," & " " &
[ShippingState] & " " & " " & [ShippingPostalCode]

everything looks right except for my same old hyphen issue.

Any suggestions to correct?
Thanks for your assistance. I have managed to confuse myself!

Since I posted I have changed to using one control for an address block
to suppress blank lines. It now reads:
=([MailingName]+Chr(13)+Chr(10)) &
([CompanyName]+Chr(13)+Chr(10)) &
([ShippingAddress1]+Chr(13)+Chr(10)) &
([ShippingAddress2]+Chr(13)+Chr(10)) & [ShippingCity] & "," & " " &
[ShippingState] & " " & " " &

At this point, Preview prompts me to 'Enter Parameter Value'

If, however, I use:
=([MailingName]+Chr(13)+Chr(10)) &
([CompanyName]+Chr(13)+Chr(10)) &
([ShippingAddress1]+Chr(13)+Chr(10)) &
([ShippingAddress2]+Chr(13)+Chr(10)) & [ShippingCity] & "," & " " &
[ShippingState] & " " & " " & [ShippingPostalCode]

It looks like you have an odd field name
[ShippingPostalCo­de] is not the same as

If that was just a posting typo, then post a Copy/Paste of
the query so we can see what you are really using.
Using copy/paste I have:
=([MailingName]+Chr(13)+Chr(10)) & ([CompanyName]+Chr(13)+Chr(10)) &
([ShippingAddress1]+Chr(13)+Chr(10)) &
([ShippingAddress2]+Chr(13)+Chr(10)) & [ShippingCity] & "," & " " &
[ShippingState] & " " & " " &

Again, thanks for any support.
Using copy/paste I have:
=([MailingName]+Chr(13)+Chr(10)) & ([CompanyName]+Chr(13)+Chr(10)) &
([ShippingAddress1]+Chr(13)+Chr(10)) &
([ShippingAddress2]+Chr(13)+Chr(10)) & [ShippingCity] & "," & " " &
[ShippingState] & " " & " " &

Did you try changing the field name with the extraneous
Using copy/paste I have:
=([MailingName]+Chr(13)+Chr(10)) & ([CompanyName]+Chr(13)+Chr(10)) &
([ShippingAddress1]+Chr(13)+Chr(10)) &
([ShippingAddress2]+Chr(13)+Chr(10)) & [ShippingCity] & "," & " " &
[ShippingState] & " " & " " &

Again, thanks for any support.

This --- [ShippingPostalCode]
is not the same as this --- [ShippingPostalCo­de]
I guess it is my evening to be 'dumb & blind' or maybe just to walk
away from this project. Two people have posted that
[ShippingPostalCode] is not the same as [ShippingPostalCode] but I
can't see the difference. Using copy/paste from the replys I have:
This --- [ShippingPostalCode]
is not the same as this --- [ShippingPostalCo­de]
[ShippingPostalCo­de] is not the same as

I am looking but not seeing. Please advise. Thanks!
I guess it is my evening to be 'dumb & blind' or maybe just to walk
away from this project. Two people have posted that
[ShippingPostalCode] is not the same as [ShippingPostalCode] but I
can't see the difference. Using copy/paste from the replys I have:
This --- [ShippingPostalCode]
is not the same as this --- [ShippingPostalCo­de]
Do you not see this extra hyphen here ----------^

Thanks! The extra hyphen does not show up on my monitor screen as I
view this current page. I looked at the statement in Expression Builder
and it is not visible. However, when I looked at it on the Control
Source line by arrowing across there it was. I have never run into
something like that. I am not sure if Expression Builder put it in
between characters (as if in a line break). The strangest part is not
seeing it here on this forum. I really appreciate the help!
so strange...

Using OE

6.00.2900.2180 (xpsp_sp2_rtm.040803-2158)

and I don't see any extra hyphen either...

fredg said:
I guess it is my evening to be 'dumb & blind' or maybe just to walk
away from this project. Two people have posted that
[ShippingPostalCode] is not the same as [ShippingPostalCode] but I
can't see the difference. Using copy/paste from the replys I have:
This --- [ShippingPostalCode]
is not the same as this --- [ShippingPostalCo­de]
Do you not see this extra hyphen here ----------^

I didn't see the hyphen until I cut and paste into Notepad.

Doug Steele, Microsoft Access MVP

(no e-mails, please!)

Gary Walter said:
so strange...

Using OE

6.00.2900.2180 (xpsp_sp2_rtm.040803-2158)

and I don't see any extra hyphen either...

fredg said:
I guess it is my evening to be 'dumb & blind' or maybe just to walk
away from this project. Two people have posted that
[ShippingPostalCode] is not the same as [ShippingPostalCode] but I
can't see the difference. Using copy/paste from the replys I have:
This --- [ShippingPostalCode]
is not the same as this --- [ShippingPostalCo­de]
Do you not see this extra hyphen here ----------^

Asc(45) visible
Asc(173) not visible

I wonder where the decision is made for that?

Douglas J. Steele said:
I didn't see the hyphen until I cut and paste into Notepad.

Doug Steele, Microsoft Access MVP

(no e-mails, please!)

Gary Walter said:
so strange...

Using OE

6.00.2900.2180 (xpsp_sp2_rtm.040803-2158)

and I don't see any extra hyphen either...

fredg said:
On 21 Oct 2005 16:27:40 -0700, (e-mail address removed) wrote:

I guess it is my evening to be 'dumb & blind' or maybe just to walk
away from this project. Two people have posted that
[ShippingPostalCode] is not the same as [ShippingPostalCode] but I
can't see the difference. Using copy/paste from the replys I have:
This --- [ShippingPostalCode]
is not the same as this --- [ShippingPostalCo­de]
Do you not see this extra hyphen here ----------^
