Post would be easier to read if....

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Post would be easier to read if we take the time to delete the old message
before we sent our message. Just a little clean-up would help
"(e-mail address removed)"
Post would be easier to read if we take the time to delete the old
before we sent our message. Just a little clean-up would help

Do what you want with your own posts. No one else knows what the hell
you are talking about. Context plays a big role in understanding, and
you provided none.
Man there is no need to be RUDE and if you don't know what I was talking
about maybe you have a problem. When you answer to a thread the messages are
always above, Click the plus sign!!!! When 10 people answer do you really
need to read the orginal message 10 times?

I wasn't answering another post just made a comment!!!
So once again there is no need to be rude to people.
Hi :-)
Post would be easier to read if we take the time to delete the old message
before we sent our message. Just a little clean-up would help

The posts in these newsgroups are archived and, therefore, available to many
other readers for some time. If you do not include the previous message
information in your reply, other readers may not be able to follow the
thread sufficiently.

These newsgroups are about everyone. Now....and later.

Thank very much for your understanding and consideration. :-)

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious
"(e-mail address removed)"
about maybe you have a problem. When you answer to a
thread the messages are
always above, Click the plus sign!!!!

You started a new thread. There is no "plus sign"--unless
you're posting from the web interface.
"(e-mail address removed)"
Man there is no need to be RUDE and if you don't know what I was
about maybe you have a problem. When you answer to a thread the
messages are
always above, Click the plus sign!!!! When 10 people answer do you
need to read the orginal message 10 times?

And just where would that plus sign icon be for your NEW post? Duh!

There is actually a mechanical arm forcing your hand to move the mouse
over the original message so you have to read it first? Geez, just move
the mouse the the post within a thread that you want to read.
I wasn't answering another post just made a comment!!!
So once again there is no need to be rude to people.

Oh, I see now. After looking in your headers, I see you are using the
Microsoft CDO webnews-for-dummies interface instead of using a real
newsreader client program. Well, then you get stuck with whatever
interface they provide. If that webnews-for-dummies interfaces always
collapses a thread down to the starting post then that's what you get
with that interface. A real NNTP client will let you decide whether or
not to expand the grouped conversations (so you can just click on any
one of the posts therein).

For what you want, stop using the webnews interface. Use Outlook
Express, Thunderbird, Agent, Xnews, or whatever you like to use a local
NNTP (network news transfer protocol) client to read the newsgroups.
Google Groups is yet another webnews interface to newsgroups - and it
sucks due to a poor interface, grouping by Subject rather than
References header, and has very few features that are nearly standard in
all NNTP clients. If you want the features available in NNTP clients
then stop using the webnews interface.

You are under the mistaken assumption that because the newsgroups starts
with "microsoft.*", and perhaps you are even accessing the newsgroup
using Microsoft's NNTP server, that Microsoft is
actually in control and manages this newsgroup. Wrong! Microsoft is
only providing the hardware resources to provide the newsgroup. You
could access the newsgroup using Giganews' or Microsoft's server.
Microsoft doesn't manage or moderate the newsgroup. We are all
volunteers here. Participants here are just like you. There might be a
few Microsoft employees here but it is not a place to obtain free
support from Microsoft nor is it a place to submit requests for changes
to its webnews-for-dummies interface.
The reason I stated this in the first place was that I love to read all the
questions and answers, I save a lot of them in case ever needed. Sometimes it
takes me 5 min. to find the message because of the other answers.
It was a comment, I didn't ask anyone to change anything.

Thank you Jan you gave me the answer as to why that wasn't a good idea and I
understand now. Jan answered in a kind way (she didn't cuss or call me names
like vanguard has.

Again Vanguard thanks for all the info but you are a rude person.

You say "And just where would that plus sign icon be for your NEW post? Duh!"
If you start a new post then there isn't a plus sign untill someone answers
right? Duh!!

You said "You are under the mistaken assumption that because the newsgroups
starts with "microsoft.*", ?? Where in my post did I say that or give you the
idea about what I think? I belong to several newsgroups fool and I will read
them anyway I want to thank you!! The option to read here is there for us to
use yes?

You say ""I see you are using the Microsoft CDO webnews-for-dummies

Now you insult all who want to read the messages here?
Let me ask you who took a pee in your cheerios this am?

In case you are too stupid to go back and read my orginal message it said
"Post would be easier to read if we take the time to delete the old message
before we sent our message. Just a little clean-up would help"

Thanks to Jan I understand why that wouldn't work
(e-mail address removed)" <[email protected]>
wrote in message
You're very welcome. I'm glad that you understand, and appreciate your
consideration of other readers. :-)

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.
If you think that was rude, you haven't been around newgroups very long.
Here's an example of rude, quoted from a post in another group:

"I see you're another lazy moronic f**kwit who can't be arsed to Google.
wow thanks for sharing Gary. I hate to be rude myself, it is not needed nor
does it help. I think some people are so small and worthless that it makes
them fell better to put others down.