Post SP2 IE6



First: evertime I turn off my DSL modem, the connection
vanishes from Networking, while the desktop shortcut goes
I must create a new connection each time I wish to use the
Second: IE6 cannot connect to the internet. Mozilla and
Firefox do, as does Norton Live Update. (after recreating
the ISP connection). I'm not running spyware, the Norton
firewall seems to intercept these. I know this through an
online scan through Trend Micro's online scanner, no bugs
Since I cannot connect to windows update, I cannot read any
special instructions which may have posted to remedy this,
and I really don't want to uninstall everything; Norton,
SP2, and reinstall SP2 and everything afterwards.
Has anyone found a workable solution? Please?
(3rd posting!)


1. Are you sure that Norton Firewall is not blocking IE? Check the admin
settings, maybe delete IE from the list and get the popup again asking for

2. Are you sure the XP SP2 firewall is not blocking IE? Open it up (i'm not
sure how) and check.

3. Sysinternals has a very nice program to show you what gets loaded on your
machine at startup. Is there anything weird in there?

4. Try a few other Trojan finders, I like Spybot S&D and also Lavasoft
Adaware. Run them both and see what they find.

What exactly happens when you launch IE? Does it give some message?
If you can run Firefox, you should be able to access Microsoft Windows
Update and read what they have to say.

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