Possible Virus

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I am running WindowsXP Home with all updates as of 7 Feb 2004. I have Symatec Pro virus , Zone Alarm (free),
Adaware and Spybot running. I use Outlook Express 6.

When I logon to my account, Zone Alarm blocks messenger from trying to send to the internet. I don't know what? If I don't connect to my ISP it will continue, about 500 trys in an hour. After I connect to my ISP (dial-up) It trys one more time. This time with a specific IP address port 53. Zone Alarm indicates it was blocked, but I'm not sure.
Also if I try to open the Windows Help files, Windows Explorer, Outlook Express or do a search messenger will try to go to that same IP address. My research indicates the IP address is the primary DNS for Sprintnet. My ISP is Mindspring.

I have had this problem for at least a month, perhaps longer. I have stopped or disabled every service I can and still operate. Have run all the anti-virus and special "getters" and can find nothing.

Any advise will be appreciated.....
Greetings silverfox,

It never hurts to update your Anti-Virus program and do a full system scan
to check if there are any viruses that may be present on your machine.


silverfox said:
I am running WindowsXP Home with all updates as of 7 Feb 2004. I have
Symatec Pro virus , Zone Alarm (free),
Adaware and Spybot running. I use Outlook Express 6.

When I logon to my account, Zone Alarm blocks messenger from trying to
send to the internet. I don't know what? If I don't connect to my ISP it
will continue, about 500 trys in an hour. After I connect to my ISP
(dial-up) It trys one more time. This time with a specific IP address port 53. Zone Alarm indicates it was blocked, but I'm not
Also if I try to open the Windows Help files, Windows Explorer, Outlook
Express or do a search messenger will try to go to that same IP address. My
research indicates the IP address is the primary DNS for Sprintnet. My ISP
is Mindspring.
I have had this problem for at least a month, perhaps longer. I have
stopped or disabled every service I can and still operate. Have run all the
anti-virus and special "getters" and can find nothing.
silverfox said:
I am running WindowsXP Home with all updates as of 7 Feb 2004. I have Symatec Pro virus , Zone Alarm (free),
Adaware and Spybot running. I use Outlook Express 6.

When I logon to my account, Zone Alarm blocks messenger from trying to send to the internet. I don't know what? If I don't connect to my ISP it will continue, about 500 trys in an hour. After I connect to my ISP (dial-up) It trys one more time. This time with a specific IP address port 53. Zone Alarm indicates it was blocked, but I'm not sure.
Also if I try to open the Windows Help files, Windows Explorer, Outlook Express or do a search messenger will try to go to that same IP address. My research indicates the IP address is the primary DNS for Sprintnet. My ISP is Mindspring.

I have had this problem for at least a month, perhaps longer. I have stopped or disabled every service I can and still operate. Have run all the anti-virus and special "getters" and can find nothing.

Any advise will be appreciated.....
Please do this while you are connected to the Internet:

START > RUN > cmd

Command Prompt Window comes up -
Run the following commands (pressing ENTER after each command of course):


pathping >c:\pathping.txt

(Tell Zone Alarm to allow this - the pathping command may take up to 10 minutes to complete)
(Once it is done, the C:\> prompt will come back)

type c:\pathping.txt

(And if you have a printer connected to this computer and wish to print out the results):

print c:\pathping.txt

(Here is what I got from my computer when I ran "pathping >c:\pathping.txt"):

Tracing route to sdn-dns.dialsprint.net []

over a maximum of 30 hops:

0 host [x.x.x.x] (I blocked out my IP Address)

1 nas1.Tucson1.Level3.net []

2 ge-7-0-2.hsa1.Phoenix1.Level3.net []

3 ge-6-1-0.mp2.Phoenix1.Level3.net []

4 so-6-2-0.bbr2.LosAngeles1.Level3.net []

5 so-9-0.core2.LosAngeles1.Level3.net []

6 sprint-level3-oc48.LosAngeles1.Level3.net []

7 sl-st20-la-3-0.sprintlink.net []

8 sl-bb20-ana-8-2.sprintlink.net []

9 sdn-bb10-ana-4-0.dialsprint.net []

10 sdn-dns.dialsprint.net []

Computing statistics for 250 seconds...

Source to Here This Node/Link

Hop RTT Lost/Sent = Pct Lost/Sent = Pct Address

0 host []

0/ 100 = 0% |

1 125ms 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0% nas1.Tucson1.Level3.net [x.x.x.x] (I blocked out my IP Address)

0/ 100 = 0% |

2 124ms 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0% ge-7-0-2.hsa1.Phoenix1.Level3.net []

0/ 100 = 0% |

3 125ms 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0% ge-6-1-0.mp2.Phoenix1.Level3.net []

0/ 100 = 0% |

4 129ms 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0% so-6-2-0.bbr2.LosAngeles1.Level3.net []

0/ 100 = 0% |

5 129ms 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0% so-9-0.core2.LosAngeles1.Level3.net []

0/ 100 = 0% |

6 --- 100/ 100 =100% 100/ 100 =100% sprint-level3-oc48.LosAngeles1.Level3.net []

0/ 100 = 0% |

7 129ms 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0% sl-st20-la-3-0.sprintlink.net []

0/ 100 = 0% |

8 133ms 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0% sl-bb20-ana-8-2.sprintlink.net []

0/ 100 = 0% |

9 130ms 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0% sdn-bb10-ana-4-0.dialsprint.net []

0/ 100 = 0% |

10 132ms 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0% sdn-dns.dialsprint.net []

Trace complete.


Notice that is the IP Address for "sdn-dns.dialsprint.net"

So I don't think this is virus / worm / spyware / hacker activity - you might want to check with your ISP about the issue.

Interesting XPUSER

Here is my results

Tracing route to sdn-dns.dialsprint.net [
Over a maximum of 30 hops

0 (my computer) [my IP address
1 * *

Computing statistics for 25 seconds..

Source to here This Node/Lin
Hop RTT Lost/Sent = Pct Lost/Sent = Pct Addres

0 my computer [my IP address
100/100 = 100

1 --- 100/100 = 100% 0/100 = 0% my computer [

Trace complete
silverfox said:
Interesting XPUSER,

Here is my results:

Tracing route to sdn-dns.dialsprint.net []
Over a maximum of 30 hops:

0 (my computer) [my IP address]
1 * * *

Computing statistics for 25 seconds...

Source to here This Node/Link
Hop RTT Lost/Sent = Pct Lost/Sent = Pct Address

0 my computer [my IP address]
100/100 = 100%

1 --- 100/100 = 100% 0/100 = 0% my computer []

Trace complete
Looks like you have something going on with one of your DNS servers.

Control Panel | Network Connections | Dial-up |

Right click on your Dial-up connection icon and select Properties -
Click on the Networking tab -
Highlight "Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)" and click on the Properties button -
In here, is it set to "Obtain IP Address automatically"? - most likely it is.
How about the "DNS server" section
If the DNS servers are specified, make note (write down) the IP Addresses for those DNS Servers -
Then set it to "Obtain DNS server address automatically" and click OK and OK
Restart computer
Connect to ISP
See if issue with Zone Alarm and "messenger" still continues
START > RUN > cmd
ipconfig /all >c:\ipconfig.txt
type c:\ipconfig.txt

What DNS servers are shown here now?

Also, if you have not done so, be sure that all XP critical updates are installed -
(I recommend temporarily disabling any Anti Virus programs before installing the updates)

And do you know what "messenger" Zone Alarm is reporting trying to access the Internet?
XPUSER said:
Interesting XPUSER,

Here is my results:

Tracing route to sdn-dns.dialsprint.net []
Over a maximum of 30 hops:

0 (my computer) [my IP address]
1 * * *

Computing statistics for 25 seconds...

Source to here This Node/Link
Hop RTT Lost/Sent = Pct Lost/Sent = Pct Address

0 my computer [my IP address]
100/100 = 100%

1 --- 100/100 = 100% 0/100 = 0% my computer []

Trace complete
Looks like you have something going on with one of your DNS servers.

Control Panel | Network Connections | Dial-up |

Right click on your Dial-up connection icon and select Properties -
Click on the Networking tab -
Highlight "Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)" and click on the Properties button -
In here, is it set to "Obtain IP Address automatically"? - most likely it is.
How about the "DNS server" section
If the DNS servers are specified, make note (write down) the IP Addresses for those DNS Servers -
Then set it to "Obtain DNS server address automatically" and click OK and OK
Restart computer
Connect to ISP
See if issue with Zone Alarm and "messenger" still continues
START > RUN > cmd
ipconfig /all >c:\ipconfig.txt
type c:\ipconfig.txt

What DNS servers are shown here now?

Also, if you have not done so, be sure that all XP critical updates are installed -
(I recommend temporarily disabling any Anti Virus programs before installing the updates)

And do you know what "messenger" Zone Alarm is reporting trying to access the Internet?
I went back and looked at your original post and see that you pretty much already knew what I found by
running that pathping. Maybe it still is a DNS issue and maybe not. Maybe it really is a question
of what "messenger" we are talking about and maybe that DNS server at has inadvertantly
been added to a "block" list in Zone Alarm or the Privacy tab of Internet Options or in the
C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts file.