A.J.M. van Rijthoven
Is this possible??
When a field is double-clicked, i want the field (combobox) to be
updated first and then start a procedure.
I have a combobox, 2 collumns, ID and name.
I want this for the following reason: when the combobox has already
data and i erase the name with the delete key, i want the combobox
data cleared (name is already cleared, id has to be cleared) when i
double click on the box. I tried it with setfocus on another field but
it doesn't work.
When a field is double-clicked, i want the field (combobox) to be
updated first and then start a procedure.
I have a combobox, 2 collumns, ID and name.
I want this for the following reason: when the combobox has already
data and i erase the name with the delete key, i want the combobox
data cleared (name is already cleared, id has to be cleared) when i
double click on the box. I tried it with setfocus on another field but
it doesn't work.