Miss Perspicacia Tick
I posted re a GX150 I was doing up. Well it worked fine a few days ago. This
morning the RAM arrived and, before doing anything, I tested the system
again. It wouldn't POST. In fact, the power switch LED just flashed amber
once a second simultaneously with the HD LED (green) (all components have
been thoroughly tested and found to be in PWO). I spoke to Dell TS and they
said it was either the motherboard or the PSU (most likely both, though with
the other symptoms, fans cycling on and off, and the optical drive LED
flashing) it's more likely to be a dead PSU. Anyway, Dell want to swap out
both and want £400 - so I told them (politely) where to stick it.
So, before I cart this thing off to the local tip, can anyone offer me any
suggestions? Can I find a new PSU anywhere for cheap? Googling for "GX150
PSU" or "GX150 power supply" has got me precisely nowhere (well no UK hits
at least).
morning the RAM arrived and, before doing anything, I tested the system
again. It wouldn't POST. In fact, the power switch LED just flashed amber
once a second simultaneously with the HD LED (green) (all components have
been thoroughly tested and found to be in PWO). I spoke to Dell TS and they
said it was either the motherboard or the PSU (most likely both, though with
the other symptoms, fans cycling on and off, and the optical drive LED
flashing) it's more likely to be a dead PSU. Anyway, Dell want to swap out
both and want £400 - so I told them (politely) where to stick it.
So, before I cart this thing off to the local tip, can anyone offer me any
suggestions? Can I find a new PSU anywhere for cheap? Googling for "GX150
PSU" or "GX150 power supply" has got me precisely nowhere (well no UK hits
at least).