Possible to implement own errorpages in IE ?

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is it possible with the platform-builder to implement own errorpages (401,
402,...) which were shown if the server will not send an own errorpage ?
So, that the default errorpage of the Internet Explorer will be replaced
with it.

Is there any description, how to do this ? I tried to replace it and to
compile it - but still the old defaultpage was shown.

Thank you in advance and best regards,

Hi dabe,

I have tried this before to no avail (on wintel machines). It does work on
the server side though (IIS Administration - Error Pages tab).

The only way I can see of doing it is to create your own custom browser and
then intercept the OnError event. Oh, you could do the same with a BHO also.
You would think that the AboutURLs would be the place to change this but
they don't seem to work. Thr original IE6 developers have long sinced moved
on and a new crowd is working on 7, so I don't think it will ever get fixed.

In consideration I think BHO is the way to go.