Joe Stateson
I am putting together a treeview from a web service (python script on a unix
system) that generates the following xml code
<toi Value="datetime.datetime(2007, 4, 2, 17, 23, 49, tzinfo=<UTC>)"/>
I cannot bind the file into the treeview because the tzinfo=<UTC> causes
problems. I just discovered this when I tried to display the xml file in
IE. Firefox displays it just fine (no error)
Anyway, is there something I can set in my page to have it ignore an error
like that above? I cannot always get the script corrected on the unix
system) that generates the following xml code
<toi Value="datetime.datetime(2007, 4, 2, 17, 23, 49, tzinfo=<UTC>)"/>
I cannot bind the file into the treeview because the tzinfo=<UTC> causes
problems. I just discovered this when I tried to display the xml file in
IE. Firefox displays it just fine (no error)
Anyway, is there something I can set in my page to have it ignore an error
like that above? I cannot always get the script corrected on the unix