Is it possible to have two separate IE environments on a
PC - one that a user would use to 'surf' and the other
that would be locked down (no toolbars, etc.) for use by
enterprise applications such as Siebel?
Alternatively, is there a way to set up a shortcut or
something that would launch the enterprise app (e.g.
Siebel) in IE6 with all of the objects/toolbars/etc. not
relevant to the app disabled?
Many thanks for ideas/direction.
PC - one that a user would use to 'surf' and the other
that would be locked down (no toolbars, etc.) for use by
enterprise applications such as Siebel?
Alternatively, is there a way to set up a shortcut or
something that would launch the enterprise app (e.g.
Siebel) in IE6 with all of the objects/toolbars/etc. not
relevant to the app disabled?
Many thanks for ideas/direction.