Possible to have two IE6 Environments on a PC?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bob
  • Start date Start date


Is it possible to have two separate IE environments on a
PC - one that a user would use to 'surf' and the other
that would be locked down (no toolbars, etc.) for use by
enterprise applications such as Siebel?

Alternatively, is there a way to set up a shortcut or
something that would launch the enterprise app (e.g.
Siebel) in IE6 with all of the objects/toolbars/etc. not
relevant to the app disabled?

Many thanks for ideas/direction.
There is always running IE in kiosk mode ( iexplore.exe -k )
I am not sure I fully understand the relationship in your case between
Siebel and IE, so this may be irrelevant; apologies if so.
You could set up 2 users with different browser
defaults. If you wanted the same favourites etc you can
just copy them accross.
Apart from that, you would need two copies of IE on the
one PC, held in different folders and with their
ownshortcuts. Not sure if your PC will like that, though.